Estate Sales, Cleanout, Liquidation & Appraisals

Seniors Wealth Management

When a Senior downsizes to an apartment or to a retirement village they create a very large check. That check is oftentimes the most money that person has ever had in their lifetime and they generally want to make sure the money lasts and then to transfer it to their charity or loved ones.

If that money is deposited in the Bank the Bank freezes the assets on death and forces the assets into Probate and that forces lawyers to have to get involved.

In a very basic estate the probate fees are 1.5% and the basic lawyer fee can be in excess of $9000!

If the estate is contested the battle can go on for years and years and the legal fees can SOAR! Yet, a Senior can STOP all of that and deposit the money with Brian’s Wealth Management Practice.

Brian manages MILLIONS of dollars

for his seniors clients and all of them enjoy the peace of mind knowing that the money AVOIDS probate and AVOIDS lawyers fees! In addition the money is always guaranteed no matter what the market does AND……. AND…. The proceeds transfer to your charity or loved ones in about 10 business days after death! Brian is a local Senior Wealth Management Specialist and has helped other seniors to protect the proceeds! Call Brian today at 519-995-6145 if you would like to transfer your money to your next of kin and avoid lawyers and Probate Court!

"Allow our team to help you with your move or the move of a loved one"

Brian Price

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